Friday, 6 December 2013

Bank - the sticking game

One post season me and my team feeling a little under the weather with the bank collapse and all we decided to make up a game building team spirit and trying to get people to stick their landing under pressure. The idea is simple stolen from the TV show the weakest link. Works very similar but nobody gets voted off.

The gymnasts are split into two teams of equal abilities. A mat/box about 30 cm is put into the middle of the floor and either the coach or an injured gymnast serves as a judge and writes down and calculates the score.
There is no skipping rounds. 
The first gymnast does a back flip (front flip, full, simple jump anything works)
The first jump gets 1 point the next 2 then 4 - 8 - 16 etc. 
But if a gymnast breaks the line and does not stick the line is broken and the team goes back to zero. The only way out if to yell "BANK" before the next jump is made the points already gathered go to the sum but the next stick only gathers one single point then two and so forth. 
The game can either be played on time or until a certain number has bees reaches (for example 200). 
It is also very interesting to see which gymnast always Banks regardless of his /hers ability to stick a landing. 
We even once had to put in a rule that you could not Bank in every round. And always somebody tries to skip his/hers turn. 
The teams tend to be very clever in which order they put their gymnasts up so randomizing the teams is not a bad idea. 
In my experience the kids are crazy about this game maybe because it both challenges them physically and mentally. 
This is a Bank that wont collapse

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